Our Products and Services

At Allander Analytics we believe that the days of working with out-dated desktop applications are long gone.

Continuous internet access has become a ubiquitous part of our lives. Software shouldn't be accessible only from your office or home. People are busier than ever and knowing that it's possible to access your data as and when you need it, along with the knowledge that your information is being continuously backed up, multiple times across ultra-secure servers lets us provide our users with complete peace of mind.

We use our bespoke software to analyse and report on building energy performance to effectively highlight opportunities for energy savings and performance optimisations. All Allander Analytics software is being built for the web and is powered by Microsoft Azure. This gives us unlimited resources and scalability. We develop our application's using Microsoft's powerful .NET Core platform. We support all of our applications with continuous updates and revisions.

Interested in a demo? Contact us here